Township Loan Program Application

About the Township Loan Program

The Williams County Board of County Commissioners have approved a loan program for townships to assist in the completion of improvement projects. Up to a total of $1 million in loans, with a maximum individual award of $250,000, may be awarded to Townships in a fiscal year.

Only Townships located within Williams County are eligible to apply. Priority will be given to organized Townships that have been levying at least nine (9) mills for a minimum of three (3) consecutive years in property taxes for the Township’s general fund prior to submitting the loan application.

To review the full program details, terms, and conditions, please visit the Township Loan Program webpage.


There are four ways to complete the application:

  1. Use the webform below to submit online
  2. Download a fillable PDF to submit via email or postal mail
  3. Request a paper copy from the Finance Department to submit via email or postal mail
  4. In person from the Finance Department (3rd Floor, 206 E Broadway Williston, ND 58801)


  1. Loan applications will be accepted and reviewed for approval throughout the year on a rolling basis as long as County funds are available under this program. Williams County will work with the Township Applicant based on the Township’s own special assessment and construction timeline.
  2. Each year per NDCC 40-24-12:
    1. Not later than August 20: The Township notifies County Finance Department of intent to certify special assessments for the project
    2. On or before September 20: If the Township has notified County Finance Department of the Township’s intent to certify special assessments for the project by August 20, County Finance Department provides the Township with list of parcels for certifying special assessments for the project
    3. By November 1: The Township certifies special assessments for the project to County Finance Department

Application Form

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