FAQ Topic: Planning & Zoning Division FAQs
Land Use applications need to be submitted approximately 6 weeks prior to the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting in which it will be reviewed. Below is a schedule for 2025. For details of agenda items, please contact the Williams County Planning & Zoning Division. Application Deadline Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Board of County Commissioners … Continued
The procedure for appeals can be found Chapter 3-7 of the Williams County Zoning Ordinance and Subdivisions Regulations document.
Open records requests can be made by contacting the Department that would have the information. If you are requesting information from a board or commission, or unsure of which Department the request applies to, then please contact the Communications Department. For more information about open records requests, visit the North Dakota Attorney General’s website.
A calendar of Planning and Zoning Commission Meetings can be found on the Meetings Portal.
Zoning-related pre-applications are required prior to formal review of applications for conditional use permits, temporary use permits, zoning amendments/zone changes variances, plats, minor subdivisions/major subdivisions and/or lot split reviews. Complete the pre-application form online or email a completed pre-application form to planning@co.williams.nd.us. A member of our staff will contact you by phone or email to … Continued
The Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations can be downloaded by clicking here. A physical copy is also available for the public to view at the Development Services office during regular business hours.
Zoning cannot be used to make a property owner stop using property as it was used before it was zoned. In a case where property is zoned differently from the way it is used, the current use is allowed to continue, and it is called a nonconforming use. For example, a business that is in … Continued
The zoning of your property does not affect or impact property taxes. Zoning determines the allowable uses of the property, but zoning itself does not factor into the property value assessment that determines property taxes.
Your property’s zoning district is indicated on the County’s GIS Zoning & Conditional Use Permits map. A color-coded legend can be viewed under Zoning by expanding the layers list. Any parcel of land that does not have a specific zoning district will be designated as Agricultural. For more information, contact the Planning and Zoning Division.
You can look up a Parcel ID Number (PIN) for any parcel in Williams County by using the Parcel Viewer Map or the iTax Property Tax system.