Williams County Redistricting Board


Powers and duties for the Williams County Redistricting Board are put forth in North Dakota Century Code §11-07 and include the authority to change the boundaries of the County Commissioners' districts of the county in accordance with 11-07 and after each federal decennial census.

After the 2020 Census, the Redistricting Board convened to analyze the data and discuss alternative plans for new Commissioner's Districts. The Final Redistricting Plan is available below.


Qualifications: Detailed in NDCC §11-07-01
Compensation: None
Created by: NDCC §11-07
Members: 6
Length of Terms: Varies


Member Name

Member Type

Term Length

Steve Kemp, Chairman Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners Coterminous
Karen Prout State's Attorney's Office Coterminous
Brad Bekkedahl Largest City Representative Until the time of the next federal decennial census
Bruce Krabseth Township Supervisor Representative Coterminous
Roger Gunlikson Citizen-at-large Until the time of the next decennial redistricting
Beth Innis County Auditor (ex-officio) Coterminous

Recent Agendas

Point of Contact

 Lindsey Harriman, Williams County Communications & Research Analyst

P.O. Box 2047
Williston, ND 58802-2047

(701) 577-4557


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