January 4, 2022
For more information, contact:
Lindsey Harriman
Williams County Communications Department
Phone: 701-577-4557 (office)
County Commission completes annual reorganization; adds portfolio for Economic Development
Williston, N.D., (January 4, 2022) – The Board of Williams County Commissioners completed the annual board and portfolio reorganization process during their regular meeting on Tuesday, January 4, 2022.
Commissioner Cory Hanson was selected as Board Chairman and Commissioner Beau Anderson was selected as Vice Chairman. For the previous two years, Commissioner Steve Kemp served as Chairman and Commissioner Hanson served as Vice Chairman.
Portfolio Commissioners remain the same as in 2021, however a new portfolio for Economic Development was added and Commissioner Kemp was selected as the Portfolio Commissioner for this year. The portfolio was added in response to increased activity from companies interested in developing areas in southwest Williams County and additional work a few County departments had taken on. “We need to evolve” expressed Helen Askim, Human Resources/GIS/Communications Director, during the Commission Meeting as she proposed the portfolio concept.
The role will serve as the primary Commission contact for coordination of economic development opportunities in Williams County. As the Portfolio Commissioner, Kemp will work closely with several County departments including Development Services, Highway, Communications, and the State’s Attorney’s Office, as well as with area economic development organizations, to help facilitate successful and sustainable development.
A complete list of portfolios is available by Commissioner on the Williams County Commissioners webpage.
The Board of County Commissioners has also established their regular meeting schedule for 2022, which can also be found on the Williams County website calendar.