Committee for School District Annexations, Dissolutions and Reorganizations


The duties and authority of the Williams County Committee for School District Annexations, Dissolutions, and Reorganizations are set forth in North Dakota Century Code Chapter 15.1-12 and include the duty and authority to receive and hold public hearings on petitions for school district annexations, dissolutions, and reorganization plans, including the approval or denial of such annexations, dissolutions, or plans. Information about the process for annexations, dissolutions, or reorganizations can be found on the Superintendent of Schools webpage.


Qualifications: Williams County resident
Compensation: $100.00 per day of attending meetings or performing duties directed by the committee + expenses
Created by: N.D.C.C. § 15.1-10-01
Members: 5
Length of Terms: 5 years (beginning with terms ending 2021)
Meeting Schedule: The Committee meets as needed.


Member Name

Term Length

Term Ends

Jennifer Sumners 5 Years 6/30/2029
Tom Wheeler 5 Years 6/30/2025
Barb Grev 5 Years 6/30/2026
Ryan Geltel 5 Years 6/30/2027
Christina Naasz 5 Years 7/1/2028

Point of Contact

Deb Kemp, Administrative Assistant for the Williams County Superintendent of Schools

P.O. Box 2047
Williston, ND 58802-2047

(701) 577-4530

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